Roast Beef of Old England
- Details
Kategorie: Musik
Veröffentlicht: Mittwoch, 13. Oktober 2010 00:30
Zugriffe: 6476
- Spanish Ladies
- A Jolly Sailor's True Description of a Man of War
- Adieu, Sweet Lovely Nancy
- St. Patrick's Day
- Warlike Seamen
- The First of June
- Drops of Brandy
- Roast Beef of Old England
- Heart of Oak
- Nancy Dawson
- Ben Backstay
- Sailor's Hornpipe/Rickett's Hornpipe
- Bay of Biscay
- The Battle of the Nile
- Nelson's Victory/Hull's Victory
- The Banks of the Nile/Sailor's Cravat
- A New Sea Song (Sweethearts and Wives)
- Pleasant and Delightful
- Captain Barton's Distress On the Lichfield
- Chevy Chase
- The Shannon and the Chesapeake
- Distressed Men-Of-War
- Sailor's Jacket
- Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate